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Introducing BAC-DOG PUPPY, the premium dog food designed specifically for puppies in their crucial stages of growth. Made with high quality ingredients and formulated to meet the nutritional needs of growing puppies, this food is the perfect choice for pet owners who want to give their puppies the best start in life. BAC-DOG PUPPY is suitable for all breeds and contains supplements that support their overall health, ensuring your puppy receives the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. Give your puppy the best with BAC-DOG PUPPY and watch him grow into a healthy, happy adult dog.



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+34 973 122 710

+34 682 320 461

+34 629 337 979

Polígono Industrial El Segre
C/Josep Segura Farre

Parcela 707 núm 4

25191 Lleida - SPAIN


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